Tuesday, December 15, 2009


16 Projects from 11 filmmakers! Ranging from under 60 seconds in length to a whopping 22 minutes! Featuring local Ottawa talent, and shorts from the far off lands of Calgary and Montreal! Vampires, Zombies, Aliens, Torture, Elvis, Puppets, Cartoons!!

(listed alphabetically by director...)

Massacrator – Pierre Ayotte

You & Your Friends - Jeff Campbell

Fallacy of Man, Saturday Morning Cartoons - Chris Chitaroni

Hostile Entities, Revival, Hel-Away - Matt Fincer / Creepy Puppet Projects

Snare Off (music video by The Love Machine) - Luca Fiore

Ronald, One Percent - Michael Anthony Horrigan

Legend of the Bonesetter – Brett Kelly

Alex Vampire Slayer - Al Kratina

The Morning After of the Living Dead - Josh Stafford

Ghost Town, Bleed On(music video by Liminal State) – Kyle Thomas

Dead Pussy - Steve Villeneuve

(PS - yes...you will find the exact same posting on Facebook and on the Mayfair site and maybe a couple other places. Usually I try to keep things original, but in this case, it's so much easier to cut and paste and try to spread the word of the screening through the magic of the inter-webs)

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