Monday, August 13, 2012

Tomorrow night at 9:00pm the Rideau Valley Roller Girls, long time Mayfair friends, present the new documentary Derby Baby. The film explores not so much the normal aspect of fill-in-the-blank job by day kick-ass derby girl by night aspect that has pretty much been done to death, but delves into where the sport is now and what the future holds.

The doc itself is akin to the DIY-ness of Roller Derby culture as it received financial help thanks to Kickstarter fundraising and old fashioned tourings of the film. Hence tomorrow night's screening which comes thanks to a RVRG donation to the filmmaker's cause. If a great Juliette Lewis narrated doc and a theatre full of derby girls isn't enough for you, we will also be licensed for alcohol for the night. What more could you possibly want in an evening out!?

Experience a compelling story of love, addiction and rink rash at the Mayfair on September 14th at 9:00pm.

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