Saturday, November 10, 2012

Now that I'm back on Canadian soil, I will jump back onto the ongoing 2012 Mayfair Theatre fundraising bandwagon. Currently under-way is our online Indiegogo campaign portion of the event. For a total of 30 days (until December 2nd at 11:59pm) you can donate to our cause, and depending on how much you are interested in donating, there are a number of fun and interesting rewards set up which you can get a hold of in trade. Perks include a candy embiggining card, getting your name put on a Mayfair seat for eternity, you can present a film, or get a platinum card that will get you into free movies for a year.

Thanks to everyone for their continued well wishes and kind donations that will be used to acquire us a new digital projector and help keep us open and screening movies for many more a year to come.

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